About Us
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the oldest and largest Hispanic organization in the United States. The mission of LULAC is to advance the economic conditions, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health, and civil rights of the Hispanic Americans nationwide.
Annually, LULAC engages its network of 135,000 community volunteers, 1000 local councils, 60 community technology centers and 14 LULAC National Educational Service Centers to empower Hispanic families through direct service programs and advocacy in 35 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. If your council is interested in supporting LULAC’s programs in civic engagement, civil rights, economic empowerment, education, health, housing, immigration, public service or technology please contact the LULAC National Office at (202) 833-6130.
For more information on LULAC please visit our website at www.lulac.org

Pocket Smart
Understanding personal finance and having the discipline to manage a budget and save for the future are key factors toward achieving personal life goals. Building knowledge about personal finance – or financial literacy – enables people of all ages to manage their financial lives with confidence.
The Pocket Smart is a program designed to economically empower Latino consumers through the development of strong financial management skills. The program provides knowledge, insights and tools on a wide range of topics including: budgeting, saving, credit, retirement and consumer protection. Through the program, LULAC hopes to give individuals a sound foundation on which to build and manage their financial future.
LULAC also recognizes that every year thousands of scam artists and illegitimate multi-level marketing companies defraud Latinos across the United States. Given the tremendous need to combat these practices targeting the Latino community, LULAC developed a consumer protection component to the Pocket Smart program. We hope to aid the Latino community to recognize fraud and make informed financial decisions.